The Mindful Body Meditation
The Mindful Body Meditation A brief mediation to help us find comfort and peace when our body is uncomrfortable because of pain, anxiety or stress. [...]
Think small to grow big
What’s the one little thing you could do to improve today. What’s your goal to next level actions, thoughts or outcomes? What 1% could you improve today? What could you [...]
The Unbreakable Part
The Unbreakable Part The self, the sould, your spark only needs to be remembered, uncovered and freed. It can never be broken, added to or taken away. Removing the clutter [...]
Acceptance Is Allowing
Acceptance Is Allowing We often cannot control the big issues, but we can control our choices and where we focus.
Finding the Good
Finding The Good: It’s even more important to notice the good in bad times. Our natural awareness leans towards being vigilant against threat. We tend to notice the bad more [...]
“I notice…”
"I notice..." You are not your thoughts. You are not your feelings. You are the observer of your thoughts and feelings. When times are tough, it's hard to recognize that [...]
Success vs. Fulfillment
Success vs. Fulfillment Have you ever had someone tell remark how great your doing or that you've got it all only to feel that you're no where near where you [...]
Your Adversity Has Prepared You For What’s Next
Your Adversity Has Prepared You For What's Next The often unnoticed gift of past hurts and challenges is the skill we got to take away from them as we healed [...]
Breathe Out
Breathe Out Like the clouds do when it rains. Like the river does to the sea. Like the palm does in the breeze. Like the napping cat does. Like the [...]
Sticking Point
Sticking Point You're feeling inspired and you see a new possiblity/idea/goal for your life. You set out into action on that new dream. You run into your first shortcoming, challege [...]
We Become What We Do Most
We Become What We Do MostA long time ago I realized the secret to aheiving the big goals and dreams in my life was to do little meaningful things, often, [...]
Your decisions today will make your tomorrow
Your Decisions Today Will Make Your Tomorrow Our outcomes today are the results of the decisions we made in the past. In the same way, our outcomes in the future [...]
Finding the Beauty in the Cracks
Finding the Beauty in the Cracks We are a reflection of our what we pay attention to. What we focus on fills our mind up like a bucket. That perspective [...]
Asking for help is a sign of Leadership
Asking for Help is a Sign of Leadership Asking for help is an indication of: Seeing where you are Knowing where you need to go Recognizing you don't have the [...]
Monkey Mind – Is your mind all over the place?
Moneky Mind - Is your mind all over the place? Monkey mind is the playful name we use when our focus and attention are all over the place. When we [...]
What’s a Two-a-Day?
What's a Two-a-Day? A Two-a-Day is a term used often in varsity sports training. In the first few weeks of the season, to get the team up to the right [...]
Using our “Calming Sense”
Using our "Calming Sense" There is a lot of fear and anxity right now and many calls to use our common sense. In my experience, people are bright, intelligent and [...]
Be gentle… it’s been a BIG week
Be gentle... it's been a BIG week It’s been a big week. The corona virus outbreak has had a strong effect on so many aspects of our life and will [...]
Wall Angel 1
Wall Angel 1 Benefit: Strengthen the muscles of optimal upright posture; A mobility exercise for tight postural muscles; Build endurance in optimal posture for work and play. General instructions: [...]
Simple isn’t Easy
Simple isn't Easy Keeping things simply is a goal for many of us. An overly complex life can overwhelm and often is keeping us away from the things we really [...]
Are we contributing to the chaos?
Are we contributing to the chaos? With how things are in the world right now, it would make sense to feel overwhelmed and uncertain. Often at times like this, we [...]
“There” is not better than “here”, just different.
"There" is not bettr than "here", just different It's so enticing to want for a different life or set of circumstances when things are tough. It's aluring to believe that [...]
Let Your Inner Artist Out
Let Your Inner Artist Out Many of us wouldn't consider ourselves to be artists. However, you use creativity everyday in problem solving and achieving outcomes. It takes creativity to move [...]
Have You Ever Had A Stress Hangover?
Have You Ever Had A Stress Hangover? Have you ever experienced a stressful or challenge time in your life and then just crashed afterwards? The trouble hits, you rally to [...]